puff puff pass out

other than the fact that mina dresden gallery is an amazing haven for our polished antics, beyond the fact that we sold every sPARKLE & bLINK that we printed, even more triumphant than the aggregate of Quiet Lightning 5 readings as a single text (really, if you haven’t a sparkle you should get one ($10), or download one ($3), or watch all the videos in order (freer’n hail). yes, i think you should study it and write a report)—more even than my suspicion that we can all feel ourselves getting stronger is the fact that we are creating an exciting world of talented like-minded people with similar aims and an extraordinary sense of gestalt. what is more than this? tell me and we will make it our goal.

i’ve written some thoughts over here, where you can watch all the videos.


  • we are no longer doing the A.C.T. ticket offer. no one seems really interested and it’s too hard to coordinate because i only get a 4 day window each play. we’re working on something else—if you have any ideas, send em here. i mean, also, if you ever want to go to a play, just say so!
  • we’re thinking about making s’napse a thing of solicitation; thoughts?
  • Quiet Lightning June is real: we will start at 7 so sharp that it will cut you. do not be late!!!

»»– just watch these videos and imagine them in QLordèr —»>>

  1. Michelle Tea
  2. Nic Alea
  3. Stephen Elliott
  4. Andrew Paul Nelson
  5. Jennifer Joseph [if you haven’t read this, you should]
  6. Jon Longhi
  7. Sarah Fran Wisby
  8. Paul Corman-Roberts
  9. Joshua Mohr
  10. Beth Lisick
  11. M.G. Martin
  12. Daphne Gottlieb

As you can see, it is going to be inconceivably special! It is with great pride that i gush! These are not only some of my favorite writers but some of my favorite people, and Rajshree and I hope you can join us for our 6th show and the first time back to the Elbo Room since this happened. We are upping the price, of course! $5, so you better start saving! I can say with disquieting confidence that there will be nothing as special going on in San Francisco, California on June 4 as Quiet Lightning—please be part of it!

Lastly: thank you. thank all of you so much.

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