James-Amutabi Connie Haines

courtesy the artist

My name is James-Amutabi Connie Haines (They/He) and I am BaltimorePiscataway born and OaklandOhlone raised. I am a multimodal artist who uses performance, facilitation, dance, music and writing as parts of my process. I am committed to creating art and opportunities that inspire people into using creative expression, their bodies, their experiences of pleasure and possibility to emphasize abolitionist sensibilities for visioning beyond the edge of their discovered imagination. I enjoy the way somatic practices, movement, and mindfulness call me into appreciating the dynamic ways we have chosen to choreograph our humanity. I am committed to restor(y)ing my life through vulnerability, courage and a mindset that honors the ancient, the present and our potential futures. I am grateful for my ancestors who have walked in dignity through the complexities of this world, demonstrating what is possible, both in light and shadow, many blessings.

James-Amutabi was invited by Charles Orgbon III

He invited j. miakoda taylor to perform in the subsequent show