poetry festival santa cruz and the dot . dot

Let’s say you have a plot of land, and in this plot you plant seeds. The seeds grow into plants, the plants flower, and the creatures surrounding this plot begin to flourish. Yet the fruit flowers.

You get a phone call. Talk of these critters’ congregations evoke the orgiastic. It was an e-mail. Interest in your plot, in the fruits, in the seeds—what is this?

The moment is upon us: we have been asked to bring our show to another city. Morphic resonance, every month we phone elsewhere; even our we is elusive. To the Cocoanut Grove! To Poetry Festival Santa Cruz! To “a new birth of American poetry.”

For the first time in 30 years. For the first time ever.

You coming? …

Art by Pierre Merkl, aka Mr. Lucky

Curated by Chris Cole and Meghan Thornton

Can’t make it? Can and want to follow along? Get your copy now: sparkle + blink 3.3

… If you are, please RSVP and comment how you plan to get there. We’re going to meet up and drive down in a caravan, so let us know if you need a ride by this Friday (the 3rd) and we’ll try to find you a spot. If you have a car, we’d love to cram poets into your backseats and give you gas money. Also, we have a limited number of guest passes we can offer to the first few who offer their cars!

The entire festival costs $12.50, and you can pre-order tix here.

Find links to the 40 performers here [scroll down past the pix].

Next up: Monday, March 5th at the Elbo Room

Now acceptingSubmissions [through Wed, Feb 15th], Ideas

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